The Love of my Life
I got to thinking today about how proud I am of a certain beautiful woman and wanted to share it with everyone. Sometimes things happen in life that you just thank God for all the time because you couldn't have asked for anything better. Well, one of those things in my life is how I managed to get Kasey Love to marry me! Here I was this short, balding, silly accountant-to-be going through life when I meet this beautiful woman who makes me laugh and smile like nothing else could. Then somehow, she managed to see around all the early awkwardness and weaknesses in my life and agree to spend the rest of her life with me. Amazing!
One of the first things I fell in love with was her passion and commitment to serving God and others. She always holds herself to the standards of the Bible in a way that you do not see very often. And I admire that about her. But it seems like recently, as our family is multiplying at a rapid rate, that it has once again caught my eye and deepened the love I have for her. What a blessing to have a wife and mother of your children whose goal is to raise our children to know the Lord so that almost every waking minute of her day is spent doing that. We are blessed to be able to have her stay home with our children and love and nurture them. And let me tell you, I have the easy job!! While I am off working on spreadsheets and making sure this number agrees with that number, she is at home doing the most important thing in the world.
There are many things I have been proud of her lately about but I will talk about a few here. First of all, even while raising two beautiful girls, she has coordinated and led a Mothers of Pre Schoolers (MOPS) group at our church. This is a great organization that helps connect stay-at-home moms and incorporates biblical teaching. There are a lot of mothers who don't go to church who have been involved with it so she has got to be a blessing to a lot of mothers. Another cool thing about it is that through MOPS, she has brought home many ideas that have benefited our family. For example, there was a speaker recently who talked about Sheparding a Childs Heart. In this talk, one of the things she talked about was discipline and it gave us several very helpful ideas and handouts. Well, this allowed us to get on the same page and start disciplining our oldest in a way that ultimately will help her grow spiritually. Though I am a big part of disciplining them as well, she is with them for the majority of the day so she does a lot and has been doing an amazing job! It is awesome to see the changes in Elly.
Because she feels so strongly and realizes how important it is to teach our children, she is also considering homeschooling our family which would be great in so many ways. Whether we end up doing that or not, I feel blessed that she considers every possibility and will ultimately do whatever we feel is best for our family. And one other thing that shows she is super awesome...she has a 2 year old, a 1 year old, and is pregnant. That is a feat in itself...nuff said.
Well, there you have it. I love to count my many blessings and sometimes I like to share them with others. The thing I love about my blog is that one day my children will get to look back over these and get a glimpse into the thoughts of their dad throughout my life. Thank you for sharing in my journey.