Sunday, April 13, 2008


Tonight in my small group we were talking about good angels and bad angels and we were reading out of Job 1. I dont like the book of Job. It is very problematic for me. What I dont like about the book of Job is that God has the power and authority to save Job's family. He has the power to protect them. Yet he doesnt. He gives them over to Satan to do with them as he pleases. How is that good?

I always try to put stuff into things I can relate to. What if I had a family and I was in charge of what happened to them. My children love me and I have always taken care of them. I have worked hard to provide for them. My oldest son especially is a great son. He loves me a whole lot and is a great son. Then one day, someone comes to me and says "The only reason your oldest son is so good and loves you is because everything is so good for him." And so I say, "Tell you what, do anything you want to him and I give you permission."

So this person goes at it and kills my sons girlfriend. And I let him do it. Then he goes and kills my other children, his brothers and sisters, because he was really close to them. And I let him do it. I have the power to stop any of this. Then he gives my son a disease that is overwhelmingly painful. Night and day, I just listen to him moan and even though I have the power to stop this, I let it happen. The whole time my son is saying, "Daddy, I know you have medicine for this pain. Please relieve me!" But I continue to let it happen. Now let me ask you this. Am I a good father? Try to separate your thoughts from the fact that this is a story similar to that of Job in the Bible and ask yourself that question. Would you say I was a good father?

That is the question I struggle with when I read Job. The Goodness of God.

Does God have a different moral code? It is hard for me to dismiss this story by saying that "I cant see the bigger picture." I just dont understand. I dont see how a good God can just hand people over for Satan to kill. It's just a hard pill to swallow.

Today in worship, we were singing Blessed Be the Name of the Lord and we got to that verse where we sing "He gives and takes away. He gives and takes away" And my eyes filled up with tears. As I was standing there with tears rolling down my cheeks I was thinking about my dad whose was taken from this earth by cancer when I was in high school. I was thinking about what it would be like to lose my wife. Did God let my dad die? I didnt realize tonight that the verse is almost word for work from Job. Why, if he has the power, does he stand back and let Satan take over for a while? I pray that somehow I will come to an answer for this question.

Now even as I write this, I do believe that God is somehow working through all things. I just write this to say I have no idea how. I write this to say that sometimes God doesnt seem so good. I hope thats okay to say. I still want to stand and say "May the name of the Lord be praised," But I guess its hard sometimes.