Tuesday, July 22, 2008


Kasey and I are now official residents of Florida. The Sunshine State where it rains all the time. I have been honked at an average of 25 times a day (maybe a slight exaggeration). I have probably driven like 100 miles more than I should have in the past week because of being lost. It is definitely weird not being in Texas and I do miss my family. But I am definitely looking forward to all the experiences and fun times in Florida. We got season passes to Wet n Wild for going one day so I am now starting my Florida tan.

We went to Spiritual growth workshop this past weekend and it was truly a blessing. We got to see all the Clines and a lot of our other friends from Florida. I also got to hear Randy Harris speak which was good. One of the things he said was that Christians are not as distinctive as they should be. He referred to the book, Unchristian: What a New Generation Really Thinks about Christianity...and Why it Matters. Two areas that I remember that he said that people should be able to look at Christians and notice areas where they are different were that Christians should be the most calm people because we know how it all ends. Also, Christians should be the least materialistic people knowing that you cant keep anything when you die and in light of the Bible's teaching about money. At least, that is a summary of what I took from those two points.

Recently, I have been thinking about how I need to get better at how I respond to homeless people. In Orlando, I constantly have homeless people ask me for money on the street. I think if you were an observer, you would not be able to differentiate me from anyone else or tell if I was a Christian by just observing me. I tend to walk by people and act like I cant hear them or just ignore them. I know this is not right but I am still trying to figure out what my appropriate response should be. I think I have written about this in a post a while ago. I know I cant help everyone. Well, this is just an example of something in my life where people could not tell if I were a Christian or not. What are some things in your life that are not different from non-believers that probably should be?