Monday, April 10, 2006


When life’s storms come, we only have God to get us through. The next year of my life is going to be hectic, stressful, and dependent on the Source of my strength. I love the analogy of the calm at end of the storm. Sure we have to go through hard times. We go through things that are not ideal. Things happen that are difficult, trying, and make you want to scream. But there is always hope in that wonderful moment when the storm is over. When the sun comes out and God’s glory is revealed in the peace and tranquility. When you realize you are so much stronger after going through it. When you realize that your dependence on God was the strongest in the midst of the storm. When you realize that the promises of God are for real. He got you through. It was nothing you did.

Then another storm comes and you must rely on God once again. The storms never end. They may be big, small, or even unnoticed. Life is hard. That’s a fact. But I love what cows do when they see a storm coming. They run toward it. Why? I guess they know that the faster they run toward it, the sooner it will be over. The quicker they get to the calm. Yes, life is hard. But don’t fear it. Trust in God and live it. Run toward the storms toward the hope and joy that God promises on the other side.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I find some information here.

5:52 PM  

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