Its Been a While
So it has been quite a while since my last post and lots has changed since then. So I thought I would just sit down and write about what is going on in the household of Love.
As I am writing Elliana is talking away. "Ah bah bah bah. Ah bah bah bah, deahah." She is such a social baby and loves to talk all the time. She loves to make people smile and will just look at them and smile until they smile back. She is the entertainer of the nursery. They will put her in her exersaucer and then sit the other kids in Bumbos all around her and let her put on a show. Every time she is around other children she just laughs and screams and flails her arms with excitement. She has recently learned that she can clap her hands. She now claps for herself for almost everything she does.
Another one of her favorite pasttimes is to pull herself up in her crib and then let go and fall down. Then repeat. She can have fun doing this for long periods time. She hasn't yet mastered the art of crawling. She can crawl backwards but is more interested in standing up then she is crawling. She likes to pull herself up on things and then push away to see how long she can balance. I may be biased but she is the cutest baby in the whole world.
In other news, we are settling nicely into our new house. Yes, its true. We are homeowners. We were blessed to have so much help from family and friends to make the move go really smoothly. Now we have tons of projects and chores to keep us busy. I am also really enjoying my new job at Wyndham. Kasey is thrilled to hear me be excited about my job and tell her all about my day. I actually get to come home and eat dinner and spend the evening at home. Yay!!! I even had time to write this short blog. I hope everything is going well with everyone. Peace.
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