Sunday, February 01, 2009

25 Random Things

So on facebook, there is this thing going around where you just write 25 random things about yourself. I thought that sounded fun and decided to do it on my blog. Hope you find it interesting.

25 Random Things

1. I really wish I could have played for the Dallas Cowboys and hold the record for the smallest running back ever to rush for 1,000 yards.

2. If I did play for the Dallas Cowboys, I would give most of my money away because I don’t know why anyone would need $50 million dollars.

3. My favorite movie is Rocky and I love underdog movies where the person who is against all odds wins, probably because I see a little of Rocky in myself and feel like just another bum from the neighborhood. Karate Kid is another good one.

4. In college I beat Super-Mario Brothers all the way through with no warps without dying one time. This took many long hours and attempts but I succeeded in proving myself to my roommates.

5. I am very competitive so I constantly work on having fun while playing games with people and not caring if I win.

6. I really enjoy doing nothing.

7. I once got shot with a B.B gun. The b.b. is still in me but I do not set off metal detectors. The doctor just told me that "Lots of people have shrapnel in them from war and their perfectly okay."

8. I have no idea what I want to do with my life. Though I majored in Accounting, I find it incredibly boring and it does not make me happy in the morning knowing that I am going to work.

9. I like to play Frisbee Golf. It is like regular golf execept the course consists of 18 holes in which you throw a frisbee towards a chain basket. I went on a Frisbee Golf trip during one of my spring breaks during college where we played like 15 or so golf courses from Abilene to California. That was fun! And the courses are almost always free which fits my budget better than regular golf.

10. I think we live in the most materialistic, selfish nation in the world. And I dont think Christians talk enough about how money should be spent to try to seperate ourselves from this culture. How can we live in big houses,drive nice cars, buy expensive things, and still claim to love our neighbors who are on the street with nothing or who are starving in other countries?

11. I have the best wife in the whole world. Growing up I never imagined I would have a wife as beautiful, loving, and as fun as her.

12. Sometimes I wish I was taller. Especially when I am around tall people and I have to look up to them to participate in the conversation.

13. I think the bigger bites that you take, the more flavor you have in your mouth. Thus you enjoy your food so much more. Therefore, I take big bites of food and always have to be told to slow down. But I enjoy eating lots at a time.

14. In middle school, I got arrested at Six Flags and was put in Six Flags jail for an hour or so until my youth minister came and got us out. So if you are ever with friends on the Yosemite Sam River ride and want to impress them, do not through a basketball at one of the characters. They have cameras and they frown upon that.

15. I am left-handed. They say that you turn right-handed when you commit your first sin. Thats not true.

16. I think a cool super-power would be able to read other's people's minds. Kind of like in "What Women Want" but with everyone. I might not ever tell anyone I had this power. It would provide lots of entertainment if you needed it, allow you to help people more, you would never worry about what people thought of you. It would be a good one.

17. In the movie Tombstone, I like the scene where Doc Holiday is as sick as can be and is still helping out Wyatt Earp. One guy asks him, "Why the heck are you doing this anyway?" Doc responds, "Wyatt Earp is my friend." The guys replies back, "Heck, I got lots of friends." To which Doc says, "I don't." Sometimes I feel like Doc Holiday. I dont have many people I consider good friends. I am not sure why this is. I guess I just have a hard time with connecting with people. One friend that I hope I have for a long time is Clint. Just like Doc, I would go out of my way to help him out when he needs it, since good friends dont come easy for me.

18. I have a hard time with prayer. I think God hears our prayers but I am not sure how God acts in the world. Sometimes I think the things we pray about dont even matter that much really. But I think it is necessary especially for our own relationship with God.

19. If I was a girl, my mom would have named me "Hope Ann Love". Unfortunately my mom had three sons. Soon me and Kasey will have a daughter. I have always wanted to be a dad and we are so excited and cant wait. We'll see what the name will be.

20. The church I went to in college was called New Life, an inner city church where we picked up kids from the community and brought them to church and it had lots of people from the community. I love the community that we had there and the relationships. The Lord's supper was celebrated after the service around tables of about 8 people where we talked about it, and then shared a meal afterword. This is the closest I have come to experiencing what I think church should be like. I also miss my teenage boys who I did a Bible study with. I hope that I had at least a little impact on them and that they have made wise choices as they have grown up.

21. I look up to both of my brothers. I want to learn to give unselfishly like my older brother. I want to be able to use my gifts to benefit others like my younger brother.

22. My mother's love amazes me.

23. Our t.v is only a 8.5x11in (like the paper) t.v. It looks really funny in our living room. We have to move the couch closer to watch t.v. I kind of like it though. Except for the fact we cant really invite people over to watch a movie. (Unless their young and its Alvin and the Chipmunks, then they love it)

24. Oftentimes my wife asks me what I am thinking and my only reply is "Who let the dogs out?" This is one of the great questions of life.

25. I may be in the minority of people who went and voted in the Presidential election but did not vote for anyone for President. I thought about writing in Jesus.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

You just made my day/week/month/year. I would say the exact same thing about you on #17. I don't know why it is that good friends don't come easy for me either. Maybe we were just meant to be people who are out on the fringe, not stuck in one clique or another but interacting with everyone from the outside. It's a good thing that we found wives who understand us though. Laura sure makes not having many close male friendships a lot easier for me as I sure Kasey does for you. Hope you guys are well.

ps Feel free to name all of your children after me.

5:17 PM  

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