Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Living is a House Full of Girls

So it has been way too long since I have written an update on my two beautiful daughters. It dawned on me when I was trying to get out the door to work today and Lily was being held by Kasey, but was really fussy. Finally, Kasey put her down and she crawled across the room to me and looked up at me with those, "Pick me up" eyes. I held her and she was happy as could be. She just wanted daddy to hold her before heading off to work.

Lily is 9 months today. She is crawling all over the house and is really starting to interact with the world. She even has started saying a syllable of things like "Bah" for ball, "Dah" for dog, and "Oo" for shoe. And Kasey tells me she said "Daddy" today. She points at things she notices or wants to know more about. Probably the cutest thing she does is dance to music which mainly consists of head-bobbing. She even dances to her own music when she is excited about things or just for fun. She loves her bath, the beach, and babies. She kisses all of her baby dolls with the sweetest open mouth, slobbery kiss she can do. When we are lucky, she will give us those kisses as well. Kasey tells me she is really into boys already. At storytime at the library and at the splash park, she goes crazy pointing and yelling at different boys without paying attention to the girls. She loves to do "Row row row your boat" with Elly while riding in our wagon. Her favorite food is banana. If you try to give her just half a banana, she will scream until you give her the other half.

Elly is now 2 years and 3 months and tries her best to run the show. She has her imaginary friends Barney, BJ, and Baby Bop, and girl, and boy. She even tries to use these friends to help her in her schemes. Like when we are putting her to bed, she sends Barney downstairs and tells us we have to go get Barney. Since she is a social butterfly, she is definitely ready for school already. When people ask her how old she is, she says, "Two...soon I'll be 5. Then I can go to school." Elly and Lily love to be in the bath together and have so much fun. Not too long ago, Elly was waiting to get in the bath and Lily was in her plastic tub. To make more room, I put Lily in the big tub and dumped the water out of her tub into the big tub. Some of the water poured on Lily, which prompted Elly to start clapping and yelling "Yayy!!!!!!! Lily got baptized!!!"

Since Elly is her mother's daugther, she is extremely picky with food. If it was up to her, she would just eat pizza, chicken nuggets, and cheese. When something she doesn't like is put in front of her she will often ask for ketchup or peanut butter to put on it, and then proceed to lick off the ketchup or peanut butter without actually eating the food. She has mastered riding her bike with training wheels so that it is even hard to keep up with her now. Every night we sing songs and pray. We love praying with her, because we get lots of laughs and great insights into her little head. One time she prayed, "Thank you that I did not eat my brocolli." and another time she prayed "Thank you God that I get to go to school one day...school one day...school one day." (Mary had a little lamb) Also, she has started wanting to have "Bible study" with us during the day. She gets one of her little bibles and we have another one of her bibles. We then read the stories. When we get through the Bible, she says, "Now we talk." She apparently picked this up from going to women's bible study with mommy the first week when child care was not set up yet.

My other beautiful girl, Kasey, is becoming a master chef. She recently made homemade chocolate, peanut butter icecream that proved God loves us. Needless to say, life is always exciting around here. Never a dull moment in my house full of girls.


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